Group exhibition
The Main Post Office in Kraków
12-xx May 2023
Curators: Weronika Plińska, Sebastian Bożek
Organisers: KRAKERS Cracow Art Week, Wydział Sztuki UP
The exhibition is an artistic and research project, which aim is to take up selected themes related to the biography of The Main Post Office building.
Wordscapes& Romanticism
Group exhibition
Museum of Romanticism in Opinogóra
2-20 May 2023
Curator: Agnieszka Łukaszewska
Organisers: the Museum of Romanticism in Opinogórze, the Institute of Art and Design of the Pedagogical University of Krakow, Mazowiecki ZwiązekArtystówSztukPięknych (Mazovian Association of Fine Arts Artists), Związek Literatów na Mazowszu (the Writers’ Association of Mazovia) based in Ciechanów.
Group exhibition and panel discussion with the participation of invited artists and poets. The second edition of the exhibition on the relationship between the word and the image.
10th International Print Triennial Society Members’ Exhibition
Group exhibition
MCSG International Centre of Graphic Arts, RynekGłówny29, 2ndfloor
Krakow: 20 February -17 March 2023
Organised by: International Print Triennial Society in Krakow
Annual Members’ Exhibition of the International Print Triennial Society in Krakow, presenting works from 64 artists.
From the Gutenberg’s Book to Digital Reality
Group exhibition
7th International Print Triennial in Gdansk 2022
StaraKotłownia Gallery - Exhibition Centre of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
12-30 October 2022
Institute of Visual Arts, University of Silesia in Cieszyn
18 January - 16 February 2023
Post-competition exhibitions organised at university centres. I presented two animated graphics.
Remix - the Cycle of Life
Group exhibition
State University of New York at New Paltz, USA
3 October – 15 December 2022
Curators: Anna Sadowska, Witold Winek, Katarzyna Wojdyła
Organiser: (SUNY New Paltz): Margaret Oakes
The exhibition is part of the Acid-free and Ecological Etching Techniques in Artistic Printmaking project carried out at the Institute of Art and Design at the Pedagogical University of Krakow by Katarzyna Wojdyła, PhD, Anna Sadowska, PhD and Witold Winek, MA.
Printmaking Above All
Group exhibition
MCSG International Centre of Graphic Arts
Krakow 10-24 June 2022
Curators: Mateusz Rafalski, Witold Winek
The exhibition within the framesof the festivals Faculty of Art in the City and Krakers Krakow Art Week
With reference to the sloganwe are multiplicity accompanying this year’s 11th edition of Krakow Art Week, we want to show that, despite the dynamic development of new media, printmaking is represented by an ever-expanding community of artists working within it, using both the classical workshop and experimenting with the formal limitations of this medium. (...) We have invited artists from several Polish art schools to join the project.
Tenderness as Multiplicity of Stories
Group exhibition
Fundacja Sztuki Nowej Znaczy Się Gallery
Krakow 10-20 June 2022
curators: BognaSroka-Mucha, Magdalena Żmijowska
The exhibition within the frames of the Krakers Krakow Art Week festival
In the face of war, pandemics, economic, and ecological crisis, it is necessary to be aware of the co-creation of tenderness in all its dimensions. Olga Tokarczuk’s Nobel lecture became an important message and inspiration for the twenty twoinvited artists from Poland and abroad. The exhibition will show a variety of attitudes and working styles concerning illustrative graphics.
The Limits of the Book
Group exhibition
Galeria Pryzmat
National Art Book Exhibition
Krakow 20 May - 20 June 2022
Curator: Teresa Frodyma
The Exhibition within the frames of the 3rd Krakow Artistic Meetings 2022 – TERRITORIES art festival.
At the exhibition, twenty-six invited artists presented their works, reproductions and descriptions of which can be found in the two-volume catalogue published on the occasion of this year’s Krakow Artistic Meetings.
From Passion for Science. Renata Dutkowa (1927-2015). Scholar, Archivist, Organiser of Science
Scientific conference fromIn the Service of Science series
The Grand Hall of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciencesin Krakow, ul. Sławkowska 17
22 April 2022
Organisers: the Archive of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Department of the History of Culture, Science and Historical Education of the Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University.
As part of a conference dedicated to the life and scholarly work of my Mother, Renata Dutkowa, I shared a reflection entitled ”The Graphicity of the Record. Renata Dutkowa’s Scholarly Documentation as an Artefact”.
After the conference, the exhibition hall of the Archives of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAU) hosted the opening of an archival exhibition entitled From Passion for Science. Renata Dutkowa (1927-2015).
9th Exhibition of Members of the International Print Triennial Society in Krakow
Group exhibition
MCSG, Rynek Główny 29, 2nd floor
Krakow: 14 January – 4 February 2022
Organised by: The International Print Triennial Society in Krakow
After a year-long break, the International Centre for Graphic Arts hosted the 9th Exhibition of Members of the International Print Triennial Society in Krakow (14 January – 4 February 2022), which featured works by forty-six artists
National Graphic Arts Exhibition
In Praise of the Workshop
venue: Galeria Koszarowa 19, Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice
date: 17 November – 8 December 2021
Curators: Halina Cader-Pawłowska, Mateusz Rafalski
Exhibition accompanying the 11th Polish Print Triennial in Katowice
Participants are 28 printmakers faithful to classical technique but at the same time experimenting with it. A bilingual catalogue was published. The exhibition was held within Halina Cader-Pawlowska's original project entitled In Praise of the Workshop (2018-2021).
Print Exhibition
Group exhibition
Olomouc City Gallery
Olomouc ⟶ 8-25 September 2021
Exhibition accompanying the International Print Triennial Society 2021 in Krakow.
Participants included fifteen artists from Krakow. The exhibition was accompanied by a catalogue in Polish, Czech, and English. The project is an outcome of the cooperation agreement between the Krakow branch of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers (ZPAP) and the Olomouc Union of Fine Artists in the Czech Republic.
Between Words, Between Worlds
Group exhibition
Galeria Gablotki, Podbrzezie 3, Krakow
Krakow ⟶ 14–20 June 2021
Curator: Małgorzata Malwina Niespodziewana
Małgorzata Malwina Niespodziewana, Magdalena Wanat-Drobisz
Bogna Sroka-Mucha, Joanna Dobranowska
Agnieszka Dutka, Dorota Borodziuk
Dominika Bobulska, Kamila Jajkowska
The exhibition Between Words, Between Worlds explores thoughts and feelings experienced during isolation – thoughts and feelings we cannot name. It also speaks of finding oneself between two worlds: before and during the pandemic. Not without reason, the exhibition is presented in closed showcases, in which artistic duos created separate worlds (inter-worlds). It is also an exhibition about relationships, turning towards oneself and nature, and a dialogue between generations.
NGM 2020 Publication
Krakow ⟶ 2021
The NGM 2020 publication presenting the works of the winners of the contest The Best Print of the Month in 2020 was released,
published by ZPAP, Krakow 2021
ISBN 978-83-66078-44-4
solo exhibition
International Centre of Graphic Arts
in Krakow ⟶ 10 February – 2 March 2021
Photographic documentation of the exhibition: Monika Stolarska
The project focused on issues revolving around individual memory stimulated and enriched by inherited family archives. Apart from typical paper documents (correspondence, photographs, sketch and notebooks, drawings), these archives also include keys-artefacts.