The Limits of the Book - Freedom of Speech - The Art of Reading - The Artist’s Book
Krakow ⟶ 20.05 – 20.06.2022
Curator: Teresa Frodyma
Exhibition organised within the frames of the 3rd Krakow Artistic Meetings 2022 – TERRITORIES festival.
Pryzmat Gallery, Krakow
The Limits of the Book - Freedom of Speech - The Art of Reading - The Artist’s Book
Grzegorz Banaszkiewicz, Maciej Barański, Andrzej Bednarczyk, Zbigniew Bielawka, Grażyna Brylewska, Franciszek Bunsch, Agnieszka Dutka, Teresa B. Frodyma, Joanna Gałecka, Krescenty Grzegorz Maria Głazik, Barbara Grzybowska-Flores, Michał Jandura, Michalina Jurczyk, Alina Kalczyńska, Agnieszka Łakoma, Ewelina Małysa, Leonard Pędziałek, Władysław Pluta, Brygida Serafin, Mira Skoczek-Wojnicka, Jacek Sroka, Małgorzata Stachurska, Edyta Stajniak, Jacek Maria Stokłosa, Anna Śliwińska, Michał Zabłocki
Exhibition organised within the frames of the 3rd Krakow Artistic Meetings 2022 – TERRITORIES festival.
Organiser: ZPAP Kraków Branch, co-organiser: Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, Nowa Huta Cultural Centre in Kraków, the Kraków Society of Friends of Fine Arts
The Limits of the Book ...exhibitionaims to present the book as an applied design or artwork. Clive Phillpot (1982) made the following distinction in the area of the intersection of book and art: just books, bookworks, and book objects.*
We are talking here about books that are an artist’s integral expression. And it is not about the so-called ‘beautiful book’– abibliophile publication, an object of excess. (...)
The concept of the book is constantly evolving, if only through the rapid development of new technologies, which makes it lose its materiality in favour of virtuality... And artists will continue experimenting with the art book (form, tradition, status).
Teresa Frodyma, curator
*Quoted after PiotrRypson „Książki i strony”, Warszawa 2000
Description of my work:
‘Written Book’ is a pile-object consisting of the author’s selected rough drafts and typescripts, 17x25x35 cm. The period of its creation covers approximately the years 1982-2012.